Principles For Rapid Expansion In Sales #10 – Make your users your ambassadors from the beginning

If you are looking to expand rapidly through sales you need to increase significantly your brand awareness efforts and get recognized by a much larger audience, especially if you are a startup and you are new to a market. And this should happen quite quickly. 

Fortunately today, a company can use the power of the digital means and that of the social media and get in front of thousands of people very quickly. Unfortunately, this comes with a big cost since these platforms although free, they require a good amount of money if one wants to get promoted and advertised.

Therefore, if you want to expand quickly but you don’t have the budget to advertise in a very aggressive way, you need to think differently. What if you could have all your existing and live clients becoming the ambassadors of your company? What if they were becoming your powerful marketing engine and promote your company’s services and products at no cost?

Find ways to bring and keep your users very close to you and motivate them to promote your services in the market. Of course, sometimes nothing can happen without cost, so you may try to find ways to motivate them financially. In other cases, you may be able to motivate your users not with financial means but in different ways such as giving them privileges and certain knowledge others will not have.  Think about the power that a word-of-mouth approach could have if everyone in your network was bringing a number of new leads.

Many sales organisations forget the newly signed users and they don’t exploit and work together, choosing to go after the next prospects. Working with existing customers is so important that we observe in many cases big companies establishing dedicated account management teams that take care of existing signed relation. These companies understand the power existing customers have into the company’s future growth. 

Happy selling.