Mistakes in sales to avoid #23 – Believing the status quo of a client can be easily changed

Status quo, in other words, the current state and situation is one if not the most difficult things to change to a human being.

Have you wondered, why you are going to work with the same route every day? In some cases, you know that this route is not the quickest. Why people at work use so much excel instead of a dedicated piece of software? (Not that excel is not great) A big part of technology firms in their pitch, they talk about replacing heavy and operationally risky excel spreadsheets. Yet, many people do not change their excel.

What is considered as status quo for a client?

This is the current situation, the way they do something at the moment. Any firm has gone through various changes to end up to the way they work today. This is the standard process they do what they do. It can involve human resources or a piece of technology. For example, currently for me, the status quo for recording activities and opportunities is my excel. I don’t have yet a CRM. But I am comfortable with that. I know its advantages and disadvantages.

Why is it difficult to change?

The fear of the unknown is the biggest challenge for someone. Coming back to me, how can I know the CRM will change my life positively? If someone changes their daily route to work, how do they know the new route will be smooth?

A client’s status quo is very well established and even though sometimes is not very efficient, the client is comfortable only because they know how it works.

To sell, you need to find a way to make the client aware and comfortable with the new status quo they will go in. Before that though, you need to understand their status quo and more important, you need to give some time until the client realises the new status quo you are promising does worth their investment. Only then the contract will be signed.

Happy selling.