Principles for rapid expansion in sales #4 – Try collaborations

Your product is ready, you have a product proposition and you started having some traction with clients. You realise your value proposition is validated which is a good thing, pricing is competitive and there are clients that see clearly your differentiators compared to others.

Your question now is how you can scale up your sales, how can you start approaching more verticals, regions and departments in identified organisations.

You are working on your organic growth with your lead generation processes, building a funnel and communicating with your prospects.

There is though a question on the back of your mind; How can you grow quickly and how can you reach a bigger audience fast?

You can follow the same route you already started and maybe intensify your processes, but as this might be slow there is another way. You potentially want to reach a multiple of customers by one single channel and one communication.

Work with partners, try collaborations.

Why creating your own channel when you can exploit those from others?

Here are a few ideas:

  1. If you are a technology company, you might be able to integrate to other systems that lack your functionality. This makes them stronger and it gives you access to their clientele.
  2. Do a joint venture with other companies. Create a new vehicle with combined forces.
  3. Even if you don’t integrate your solution, find related companies that can re-sell your service. Many other companies may be asked to cover something they don’t offer. Instead of them saying we cannot do it, they can use you.
  4. Develop channels of advertisement with others for a common cause. If you are in the same field with others and although you don’t integrate, you can still contribute thought leadership material together for the industry.
  5. Lead the effort of different providers and vendors to create an ecosystem of services for one field, so that buyers have one common place to go and learn about services they need.
  6. Contribute to other providers that belong in the same area of business with your findings and data to their online resources and get access to their audience.

The capabilities are numerous; it makes sense to consider this avenue in your expansion journey. A collaboration, when you add real value to the relation, can give you huge exposure to the market.

Happy selling.