If your are new in a market and you try to find quickly your place there, get established, trusted and win clients as soon as possible, you need to find fast your competitive edge.
Competition among service and product providers is fierce and usually others have knocked the door of your lead or prospect before you. There is nothing wrong to compete with others in equal terms, it is just that it will take you more tie to establish your position in the competition landscape.
Do you want to achieve a quick scale up and establishment in the market. Find your unique niche place and prove you are better than others.
Careful, I am not talking here about finding your differentiators, I am not talking about creating a new feature or an element of the service that is different to others. I am talking about a unique problem that others haven’t yet addressed in a great way. Think from the customer’s point of view and see through the whole process of what they do in the field you try to help. Surely, this process is divided into sections and subsections. Find the one that the solution of your competition does’t give the best answer.
Try to improve and get the master of this small side of business. Stick on this and try to create a perception that is important to be addressed. Win clients on this small item and walk them through the reasons your proposition is better than that of others. Show them practically by sharing realistic KPIs that they should’t miss this. Become the subject matter expert on this domain.
Happy selling.